100 Alumni We Love

Reflections of My Time at Hebrew University

By Waqas Yousafzai, Calgary, Alberta

Waqas I. Yousafzai

I attended Hebrew U for a summer in 2012 at the Rothberg International School (RIS) as part of my studies at l’École Supérieure d’Affaires Publiques et Internationales de l’Université d’Ottawa. The experience offered me an incredible opportunity to challenge myself to understand the rich culture and heritage of some of my closest Canadian friends.

To me, Israel was a country I thought I could never experience firsthand. I was born to Pakistani parents, raised in Qatar, had travelled to Jordan and Lebanon and worked at Canadian embassies in Syria and Qatar. Given my background, I did not think it was possible to ever visit – let alone spend a summer at the second-oldest Israeli university whose founders included Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud!

Waqas I. Yousafzai

Upon hearing about the incredible opportunity, I immediately picked up the phone and called CFHU to register for a summer program at RIS. To this day, I feel fortunate I was given the opportunity to see the beautiful Baha’i Gardens in Haifa, feel the blistering heat of Eilat, stay on a kibbutz in northern Israel, eat delicious food and enjoy the beautiful Tel Aviv beaches.

The RIS academic experience blended international relations, public policy and government with an equally rich social and cultural agenda. The experience has helped me understand Jewish and Israeli culture and explain political dynamics, processes and interests to many stakeholders in different countries who do not understand or know of contemporary Israeli issues. In countries like Mongolia, Cote d’Ivoire and Estonia, there is little understanding of Levant and its politics.

Since studying at HU, I have also followed Israeli politics and have developed a nuanced perspective based on firsthand experiences and learnings from the course. HU’s teachings of a complex society has helped me understand and serve Canadian society better. Lastly, the HU experience has humbled me as a person in addition to developing meaningful friendships and memories. It truly was an experience of a lifetime. Israel’s unwavering commitment to peace, its dedication to innovation and the resiliency of its citizens have inspired me greatly.

  • Waqas works in Policy Planning and External Relations at Western Economic Diversification Canada in Calgary, Alberta
Waqas I. Yousafzai