Reflections on my time ay HU
By David Kendal, Toronto
I attended Hebrew U on the one-year program in 1983/84. How I got there was a bit of a journey. Since the time I was 16 and spent my first summer in Israel I knew I wanted to go back for an extended stay. After my first year at York university (1982) I decided that the time to go was then. Unfortunately, my younger brother Darren was killed in an auto accident week’s before my departure.
Under the circumstance I decided to postpone my departure for another year. This turned out to be a decision that would effect the rest of my life. Spending the year at Hebrew U, learning, studying and most importantly living life became one of the most important and influential times in my life.
But by going the following year it gave me the opportunity to meet my future partner Ellen Bensky from the US. We got married a few years after leaving Hebrew U and have been married now for over 31 years, and have three wonderful children.
I tell my kids the story from time to time of how life can be a tricky path to follow sometimes. How a horrible event in ones life can sometimes open the door and pave the path to riches you never thought were possible.
Since returning to Toronto, I have been involved with The Canadian Friends Alumni off on from the beginning. Along with a few others I helped establish the original March Madness fundraiser, along with Co chairing the Madness events with my long time friend and HU roommate Lorne Persiko. I’m proud of being an Alumni to one of the greatest learning establishments in the world. Thank you Hebrew U!