Education times header - STUDY IN ISRAEL: Ensuring safety and security of international students is of utmost importance for the Israeli govt and varsities - India is the strategic priority for Hebrew University’s collaborative vision as it connects with IIT Delhi, AIIMS, IISc and other institutes
Prof Oron Shagrir, Vice President for International Affairs, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)
Prof Oron Shagrir, Vice President for International Affairs, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)

A delegation from Israel’s premier academic and research institution, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), recently visited India to enhance academic ties with various Indian universities. Led by Prof Oron Shagrir, Vice President for International Affairs, the delegation aimed at fostering research collaboration, student, and faculty exchanges, and sharing expertise across academic disciplines. The delegation engaged with representatives from leading Indian institutions such as IIT Delhi, AIIMS, TIFR, IIT Bombay, IISc, NCBS, and IIM Bengaluru.

Professor Shagrir, what were the key outcomes of your recent delegation to India and what areas of mutual interest were identified?

Our primary focus was on deepening our understanding of Indian academia and fostering personal and professional connections with leading institutions in both the private and government sectors. Given India’s impressive growth trajectory, research capabilities, and shared values with Israel, it naturally emerges as a strategic priority for our university. Ranked consistently among the global top 100, and with a vast academic landscape spanning over 150 diverse fields of research, including interdisciplinary programs, we aim to formulate actionable plans for advancement across all participating institutions.

Highlighting our commitment to excellence in higher education, we actively promote advanced postgraduate study and research. With a mission to drive cutting-edge research, cultivate future leaders, and support outstanding scientists and scholars, we hold a distinguished position on the global academic stage.

Could you elaborate on the specific areas of collaboration that HUJI is exploring with Indian universities?

In terms of bilateral collaborations, we are exploring various areas with Indian Universities, including partnerships with esteemed institutions such as IITs, AIIMs, TIFR, and NCBS. These partnerships encompass joint research initiatives, academic exchange programs, and collaborative workshops, fostering a robust environment for shared research endeavours.

Our collaboration with IIT Delhi involves an active exchange program and a joint research scheme that has already funded 10 joint projects. Both Hebrew University and IIT Delhi are eager to renew the agreement for joint seed funding and plan to publish a new round soon. Additionally, HUJI will host visiting researchers from IIT Delhi in 2025, and our researchers will reciprocate the visits. The collaborations span diverse fields, including medical robotics, climate research, disaster management, defense, AI initiatives, energy, biotech, healthcare, agriculture and food tech, quantum science, and nanoscience, with two researchers from the Hebrew University Climate Science Center visiting IIT Delhi in March.

Furthermore, we have signed an MoU with IIT-Bombay, which includes an exchange agreement. Hebrew University and IIT Bombay have the potential to send and receive students between our respective institutions and additionally will continue exploring additional realms for research collaboration. As Israel’s premier comprehensive research institution, advancing science through fundamental research lies at the heart of the Hebrew University’s mission, and we make substantial investments in this endeavour.

There is a significant overlap in our research strengths with the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research (TIFR), particularly in Mathematics. We aim to strengthen existing collaborations and establish a joint workshop in the upcoming months. Additionally, we anticipate holding a joint workshop with NCBS in the fields of Genome stability, DNA repair, chromatin, and cancer to further enhance research collaborations. This collaboration will also involve staff exchange and visiting lecturers from both institutions.

How does the Hebrew University ensure continuity of education in a war-affected region?

Our university prioritizes academic continuity, even amidst challenging circumstances. Israel has demonstrated resilience, notably during the Covid-19 pandemic, enabling us to swiftly adapt. This adaptability ensures that international students at HUJI’s international programs have had seamless access to online lectures since mid-November 2023, maintaining our commitment to their education despite the ongoing conflict.

Additionally, the university offers community-building programs and weekly discussion groups to foster a supportive environment for both Israeli and international students during these challenging times. This commitment to academic continuity is a testament to the deep-rooted importance of education in Israeli culture, where values of family and education are shared between Indians and Israelis. In this approach, students are treated like members of an extended family, ensuring a supportive and nurturing educational experience.

How are the government and universities addressing safety and security concerns for international students?

Ensuring the safety and security of international students is a top priority for both the Israeli government and universities, including Hebrew University, with its diverse global community of over 25,000 students from 90+ countries. We have implemented proactive measures to ensure clear communication, student support and facilities across our 6 campuses and 100+ research centres. These efforts enable students to maintain their routines and engage in social and cultural activities. For instance, celebrations such as the unique blend of Holi and Purim which was recently organised by the university’s Office of Student Life, offer enriching cultural experiences. Additionally, as Passover approaches, international students can partake in traditional celebrations with Israeli families, further enhancing their cultural immersion.

Furthermore, the university offers comprehensive support services, including 24/7 counseling, emergency assistance, and psychological services. Initiatives like the ‘Buddies Program’ connect international students with local peers for support and discussions, fostering positive experiences and lasting relationships.

How is the Hebrew University managing the current situation in the country and facilitating students’ return to Israel or the intake of new international students?

We offer personalized support tailored to each student’s needs, providing flexibility in attendance options during the first semester and comprehensive assistance services. Our dedicated International Welcome Center addresses the specific needs of international students, whether they choose to remain in Israel or temporarily return home. Additionally, our professors and Principal Investigators (PIs) maintain close contact with their students, especially those involved in lab research, ensuring continuity in their studies despite any challenges they may face.